My Monkey Island FanGame

Started by FantomeLeCheikh, Fri 23/04/2004 15:42:21

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Quotewe have concept art (for backgrounds) and some character art, but yeah, as she said, she wants to get the story done before making anymore backgrounds, which, is the correct way to go.

is there a way to have monkey combat in AGS?

Privateer Puddin'


Quoteis there a way to have monkey combat in AGS?
I will try to innovate...  :)

That would be too easy to use the same concept!
I will make work the monkey spirit which is in me... :P


Oh geez, my apologies about the gender issue. I assumed from the name it was a she, and if you glance at the avatar, it looks like lipstick on lechuck... and i hope you dont take offense, but i assumed you were a girl based on the drawing of guybrush.  ill stop talking now.
- Oh great, I'm stuck in colonial times, tentacles are taking over the world, and now the toilets backing up.
- No, I mean it's really STUCK. Like adventure-game stuck.
-Hoagie from DOTT



just awonderin, is there any way ew can see screenshots from your last game so we can see what your in-game graphics are like? it would b a way of seeing more of your work withou rushing you. (unless it is an old style that you do't like, then i will be patient)
Bye bye thankyou I love you.


Forgive me for being skeptical, but i'm really holding reservations for this game until i can get excited about the plot. I feel that you've tried to sell the game purely on the graphics so far (which i have to say are looking fantastic) which is the problem with a lot of games today, all style no substance. As a modern and wary gamer, i try not to place to much in the promise of great graphics. Afterall Lucasarts games really are great because of the story and scripting, the graphics and music are just the icing.

Surely you must know something about what will happen in this game, as logically you would have written the plot 1st. Please prove me worng with this, and good luck.


Hi... :)
"patience is a virtue"

Currently, I'm in exams and I cant entirely devote my time to the game!!!
Once on holiday I will be able to start truly!!!  ;)
I will leave you some time  :'(



Quote from: DanClarke on Mon 03/05/2004 23:10:47
Forgive me for being skeptical, but i'm really holding reservations for this game until i can get excited about the plot. I feel that you've tried to sell the game purely on the graphics so far (which i have to say are looking fantastic) which is the problem with a lot of games today, all style no substance.

That's what I've been saying, but we got a billion peeps here declaring, in a five page thread no less, that "This looks so promising, or This looks awesome...."
I haven't seen a plot yet......

"Enjoy Every Sandwich" - Warren Zevon


Quotebut we got a billion peeps here declaring, in a five page thread no less, that "This looks so promising, or This looks awesome...."
.. yeh those people disgust me... Oh...

Can we at least know something thats been decided? Locations? Characters? Setting? Time period (after Escape after curse.. etc)



please, no monkey kombat, i beg of you. :-\


Ok maybe no monkey combat... how about... the Return of ... MURRAY BALL!!!


What a shame... the guy left...
I was going to propose to work together with the plot, music, artwork and so on... surely we are all better at different things, reunite them in one project would be interesting... I don't know if you guys already do that, frankly, I have not read much of the forum yet to know if that's a usual procedure you tend to take.



Hello it's me and my brother here, we made a little tune for inspiration to your game.

The background we had in mind for the song was your first one (the outhouse) in nightime/dusk.


I'm a big fan of the monkey island series and ive completed em all about 5 times. A bit lame but the games are amazing. The best part of monkey island are the insults and the crazy things you have to do to progress throught the game like putting prosthetic skin over the man hole in MI4 so you have got to put stuff like that in your game. Your drawings are truly amazing but i fear Lucas Arts will attempt to shut down your game  :'(. Can't wait til you tell us the story line and see some animations :D.


Quote from: Baz on Wed 19/05/2004 21:24:09
Can't wait til you tell us the story line and see some animations :D.

He won't, just like every other dude who comes in here, announces they are REMAKING or MAKING A FAN GAME OF
(choose one of the following)
             a) Monkey Island
             b) Space Quest
             c) Indiana Jones

without having anything done first.  It's a shame, really.  His cartoons looked nice, but I don't think he had a story, animations of any notion of how to use AGS. But I could be wrong.  Watch him come back with some HUGE completed game.  ;D
"Enjoy Every Sandwich" - Warren Zevon


lol, probly. But i hope he does comeback with a huge game that is better than Monkey island, lol, but i doubt it. :P

Remember God once said never kick a stray dog...............bite it instead!

Hollister_Man unplugged

Dude Blackthorne, are you always such a wet blanket?  You did the same to my game thread once.  The kid said he had finals, so give him a week or so before you kibosh the whole thing.  I haven't seen you do anything productive recently. (*wink*)


Quote from: Hollister_Man unplugged on Thu 20/05/2004 21:05:51
Dude Blackthorne, are you always such a wet blanket?Ã,  You did the same to my game thread once.Ã,  The kid said he had finals, so give him a week or so before you kibosh the whole thing.Ã,  I haven't seen you do anything productive recently. (*wink*)

Hollister, I don't go promoting big things without anything to show for it.  Sorry if I'm a wet blanket, but it's been more than a week, finals don't take that long - I went to school.  I just think he got in way over his head, and is bailing out.  Seen it a MILLION times on these forums.  It just gets annoying when someone comes in saying "I am going to remake the ULTIMATE version of MONKEY ISLAND/SPACE QUEST/KING'S QUEST ever!!!!!!"

BTW, what game thread of yours did I comment in. I honestly don't remember.

And My team, Infamous Adventures, has been really busy with our project, Quest For Infamy.  We just bought a dot-com for it.

"Enjoy Every Sandwich" - Warren Zevon

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