Hungry Caveman, nedd Beta-testers

Started by Mats Berglinn, Sun 18/05/2003 20:44:52

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Mats Berglinn

I have finished my first game Hungry Caveman which is a short game about a caveman looking for food. I need some Beta-testers so I can make sure it really work so it will be free from bugs and errors. So someone out there to want to test my game?


Limey Lizard, Waste Wizard!


It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.


Mats Berglinn

Thanks guys. The games are on their way. Aussie, please leave your mail-adress so I can send it to you.



I'll test it too (if you need any more testers that is)!

Mats Berglinn

Ok, I think have enough of Beta-testers. Thank you everyone for helping me out. And Aussie, you still haven't given me your mail. I can't send you the game without an adress.


I sent you a message.
I'll send you another one.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.


I think I found a bug.

When I use the big caveman club with Peter, I get the following message:

"Here, have a coconut"

then Peter gives me a stick.

BTW, I can't access the internal game files because AGS won't let me.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.


I also find it a bit dificult to climb up to the nest (the top GUI comes up), maybe you can bring down the top edge of the screen a little.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.


Judging by the title of this post, you'll need a spellchecker too....

Mats Berglinn

Hey, we all do mistakes. I wrote the title here too fast, so stop will you please stop complaining about those things?

aussie: I got to check it out.


Aussie: You may need to have a newer version of AGS. Perhaps 2.54. I think tahts what Mats Used.


No, that's the version I use. THe message says something about a file being corrupt.

BTW, Mats, I've found out that ANY inventory you use with Peter gives you the stick.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.


Mats, It was a joke...Sorry if it bothered ya...

I will know cease and desist with the complaining...heh...


I thought it was funny, but of course my name is Snake.

Anyway, when will beta testing be finished? Any date on when it'll be released?

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


Hi Mats,

i recently sent you some comments via email, and checked just yet that replys to your game are handled via this forum. Sorry. Here again my first comments on Hungry Caveman:

General question:
- Should i test the file Hungry.exe or Hungry1.exe ?

In game:
- Brock talk to Boogie-Woogie after T-Rex hits the Screen (me was first time in the near of the hunting grounds): I ask him about the brain issue, he answers and continiues without a dialog option from my side with the T-Rex hunting text.


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