Doctor Who Episode 1 still in production

Started by skerrigan, Fri 15/02/2008 21:53:44

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Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor Adventures
Episode 0: Tardis Trouble

You can download Episode 0 here. Please bear in mind the following:-

1. Yes I know the graphics are borrowed. :)
2. This is my first AGS adventure.
3. This is meant to be the first few rooms of a larger adventure.
4. There are doubtless bugs, things I didn't think of etc. Also I still never figured how to keep the Tardis spinning all the time!

This is a proof-of-concept 1 room adventure game featuring the Eighth Doctor, portrayed in the TV Movie and subsequent radio dramas by Paul McGann. The TARDIS has been bufetted by a strange current in the time vortex. You must repair and pilot the TARDIS to safety before it is destroyed.

This is intended to be the first room in an extended episode, Episode 1: The Soup of Death.

Progress for Episode 0:

It's all done - though some things will be added to Episode 1 still.

Progress for Episode 1:

Graphics - 35%
Sound - 25%
Puzzles - 10%
Scripting - 10%

So far I'm using temporary backgrounds and sprites to get the scripting done (the bit I enjoy). It's coming along, but it may be a while for release.



The doctor now walks - and uses his sonic screwdriver.

Also, thanks to a vortex animation I created I can now create TARDIS cutscenes in-engine. Originally I assumed I was going to use movie files for these, but I found a TARDIS.gif on the 4th Doctor thread. If needs be I can remove this, but I liked it so much I used it and played around with an additional room/player switch in the TARDIS.

Only problem - I would like the TARDIS to spin continually regardless of player movements. Currently it only spins when it moves...

PEOPLE TO THANK (will be more formal)

Background-  from Shada Webcast
Sound - BBC sound library, and Dr. Who sound library
Music - BIG Finish and McGann TV Movie. The BIG FINISH deserve a big plug in this as they kept the 8th Doctor alive after the TV Movie.
Tardis sprite - taken from the other Doctor Who thread on this forum...


Nice art, looks very good.
Good luck
Working on a RON game!!!!!


Looks promising. Lee Sullivan's art as backdrops, then? Not a bad choice. I note some scale issues with the 8th Doctor sprite at the mo, though.
Stuart "Sslaxx" Moore.


Yes, the background and cutscenes are nicked from Shada, a very excellent webcast starring McGann reprising Tom Baker's original role.

The music is similarly nicked as well. No sense reinventing the wheel and if you're using Dr. Who trademarks without permission you might as well go the whole hog...


Wow, another one! I remember when it were all fields round here and the only Doctor Who game in development was mine...

Seriously though, good luck. Looking forward to giving it a go.


Looks fantastic! Though I've never watched Doctor Who.
KPop and AGS....................that is my life.


Looks good - shame your first post didn't credit Lee's artwork. So technically you aren't responsible for any of it! LOL I kid, I kid.

any close ups of this tiny 8th Doctor sprite?

lets hope this doesn't die a short death and not regenerate...


Actually, let's not kid.

Regardless of whether or not the game is recognised, authorised or licensed by the BBC, you should be giving credit where credit is due, Skerrigan.
Stuart "Sslaxx" Moore.


True enough - there will be a nice little credits bit at the start of the game listing all the "borrows". But for posterity

8th Doctor Sprite - me! Yippee!
Background-  from Shada Webcast
Sound - BBC sound library, and Dr. Who sound library
Music - BIG Finish and McGann TV Movie. The BIG FINISH deserve a big plug in this as they kept the 8th Doctor alive after the TV Movie.
Tardis sprite - taken from the other Doctor Who thread on this forum...

Once I get a proper list you'll see it.


@Spinning: Surely you could use an idle animation?


How do you set it to use only 1 animation regardless of movement etc. then?


Nope, out of ideas.


it's kinda sucky that you decided to use the guys art without even giving credit where its due.  also, the main character looks like a fate of atlantis paint over?  all that said it looks good.  the dr you chose for this game is the one i remember as a kid so i'll probably check this one out for nostalgic purposes.

Darth Mandarb

I think we all get it now ... enough about the graphics.  It's been admitted that they are borrowed (like everybody has done from time to time).  Let's move on...


I'm not an artist - doing the walkcycles for the doctor took me 2 full afternoons of tinkering - and since I intend for there to be 6-7 characters in Episode 1 I may be a while if I did it all by hand.

Rest assured credit will be given where due. The artist's page is


Sorry to have been another that nagged about no credits anyways... I have some frames of a TARDIS in motion, did you want me to devise a GIF you can use? My frames are PNGs so the background is transparent, and its a sid- on, rather than a top-side-on view. Is that helpful?



You can download Episode 0 here.

As Episode 1 is still in the making this thread is unlocked.


Hey glad there is something to download, looks pretty good, shame you couldn't adapt  Lee's artwork into a sprite that would have been good. and glad to see a full scale 8th Doctor in the game. Only trouble is, I can't open this blasted panel under the console... and I'm out of ideas.

Anyways, don't credit me for the TARDIS sprite - it isn't mine in the game! Its someone elses's, the one I sent recently in email is my own (well sort of), so if you could change that, that would be greatly appreciated. I'll find the person who did it and put their name here - sorry about that! Silly me, didn't think I'd go and do that.

But excellent game all the same, can't wait for more.


The TARDIS sprite you have used was made by an AGS member called Cirius for use in his Doctor Who game, Dawn Of The Daleks. He kindly offered to let me use it in my own game after I asked for help with a spinning TARDIS sprite.

I hope you'll get in touch with the guy, if only to let him know you're using his stuff. It's only polite.

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