Doctor Who and Time's Vanguard

Started by skerrigan, Sun 17/10/2010 13:21:23

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Doctor Who and Time's Vanguard

Doctor Who and Time's Vanguard is an Eighth Doctor adventure game set before the outbreak of the Time War. The player takes the role of the Eighth Doctor, and his companion.

The Doctor is driven off course onto a bizarre red-skyed world resembling his homeworld of Gallifrey. Unable to leave due the Doctor explores that planet and finds it devoid of life, beyond an amnesiac time lady. Exploring a Time Lord structure the Doctor and his companion discover the terrible secret of Time's Vanguard.

(everything is WIP and original resolution is 1024x768)

EarlierYoutube Footage:-


* Prerendered 3D scenes and graphics
* Explore the Eighth Doctor's TARDIS
* Cutscenes
* Switch between 2 characters


The Official Website


Nice to see you back around these parts!

Is this an evolution of Episode 0, by any chance? Do like the look, and verb-coin? I'm intrigued by verb-coin, so might venture into the fearsome territory it doubtlessly involves (got bizarre/stupid fantasies of recreating the RtZ interface though which doesn't help!).

Good luck with this one!
Stuart "Sslaxx" Moore.


Hey skerrigan, seems like you've decided to take this personally and changed your graphic style. All and all looks great. Best of luck. Nice to see you around.
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)



the graphics here seem a little bit dark to me (the light, not the story  ;)) and therefor it's kinda difficult to see all those details, buuuuut ...

... it looks very promising!

It'll be a hard time for me waiting till you're ready  :D



If you mean the movie, yes it did come out a bit dark. If you mean the screenshots, the 8th Doctor's TARDIS is meant to be dark. The verb coin has changed slightly in the latest version.



Quote from: skerrigan on Sun 17/10/2010 15:47:05

If you mean the movie, yes it did come out a bit dark. If you mean the screenshots, the 8th Doctor's TARDIS is meant to be dark. The verb coin has changed slightly in the latest version.


Oh yes, in the first place I meant the movie.

Thanks for your reply!
I'm relieved now, because I don't have to order new glasses  ;D

Good luck in progressing with your game Stuart!

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