Do Robots Dream of Ice Cream?

Started by Busulon, Thu 30/07/2020 23:26:45

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The Story:
Bobby the robot's AI has progressed more than Robert knows. With his newfound curiosity to experience new things, Bobby decides he wants to try ice cream and see what the big deal is!


I started this a couple of years ago and now I finally decided to finish it.  :)

Development Progress:
Story: 95%
Graphics: 98%
Scripting: 90%
Sound:0% (Not sure if I will add any or what I will add.)


This looks like fun! I love the little mouse peeking out from its cover. Is the tiny robot the mouse cursor?


Yep! That's the walk cursor! 

I didn't notice that in both screenshots it happens to be about the same distance to the left of the character. Hope that doesn't make it seems like it's his minion.  :P



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