AGS 3.5.0 - RC 5 (new upcoming version)

Started by Crimson Wizard, Tue 30/04/2019 20:38:49

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It happened again, I got the same exception as mentioned before.

This time I clicked "Send error report" and got an error message for that:"Error reporting failed - Problem sending data: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel."

I'll PM you the broken game project.

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: cat on Thu 23/05/2019 20:27:31
This time I clicked "Send error report" and got an error message for that:"Error reporting failed - Problem sending data: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel."

Send error feature depends on this site working too...


I think the problem was related to moving sprites in the sprite editor to a different folder. Now I kept the mess I had before and didn't move anything and it didn't break so far.

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: cat on Thu 23/05/2019 21:09:37
I think the problem was related to moving sprites in the sprite editor to a different folder. Now I kept the mess I had before and didn't move anything and it didn't break so far.

Sounds strange, sprite file building should not depend on how sprites are grouped. Ok, I will test that soon.

Crimson Wizard

Ok, I found why it's crashing, it happens when the number of sprites record in the game is larger than in the sprite file. That would be trivial to fix.

Idk why the backup problem happens. Nothing changed there in a pretty long time, so the error itself may be legitimate (maybe something prevents AGS to access a file? Question is which file - sprite file itself or its backup).
But looking at the program logic there, it's definitely incorrect because AGS refuses to continue saving sprites if it failed to make backup, which is silly imho. I'll try to change that to something more reliable.



From the error message I posted before, it seems the backup file was inaccessible. Maybe this happened because of the folder creation/sprite moving? The crash also didn't happen immediately, only after some time.

What is the point of the backup anyway? It always seems to change at the same time as the normal sprite file and since it is binary I don't see what happens in the diff.

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: cat on Fri 24/05/2019 09:48:15
From the error message I posted before, it seems the backup file was inaccessible. Maybe this happened because of the folder creation/sprite moving? The crash also didn't happen immediately, only after some time.

Moving folders don't change backup file, it only ever supposed to be changed when saving game. The error log you posted earlier shows that error happened when the game was being saved.

Quote from: cat on Fri 24/05/2019 09:48:15
What is the point of the backup anyway? It always seems to change at the same time as the normal sprite file and since it is binary I don't see what happens in the diff.

AGS copies last version of the sprite file to backup each time before sprite file is saved again. I guess this is done in case something goes wrong during saving so that there would be something to restore it from.


Something that is not really a bug, but a bit annoying:

In the "Edit this room's" bar I select Objects, then right-click the background and select "Place new object here".
However, the object is not selected in the property grid and uses the templates default sprite (number 0) which is one single empty pixel. It seems that creating the object didn't work, which might be confusing to users. Only when you click the drop-down in the property grid you see that the object was actually created.

It would be much nicer if the property grid would automatically select the newly created object so I can directly edit it.


will it ever be possible to import an animated GIF and keep its animation? Then move it around as an object or a single loop frame "view" with its animation playing?

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: TimeTravellerR on Sun 02/06/2019 01:20:12
will it ever be possible to import an animated GIF and keep its animation? Then move it around as an object or a single loop frame "view" with its animation playing?

Sorry, I don't know how to answer this question. Maybe when AGS has a concept of "animation" item instead of view/loops?

It may be worth to post as a suggestion into the issue tracker for future consideration:


Essentially is, you just import the gif to a folder, and then add the folder to a view.


A player reported that he cannot run the game compiled with on Linux but usually he can run AGS games on Linux. I looked at the build target platforms and there is no Linux (but I think in previous versions it was). How can I help the player to run the game? I'm not using any plugins.

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: cat on Mon 03/06/2019 19:54:36
A player reported that he cannot run the game compiled with on Linux but usually he can run AGS games on Linux. I looked at the build target platforms and there is no Linux (but I think in previous versions it was). How can I help the player to run the game? I'm not using any plugins.

Are there any details on what happens when they try to run it?
Do you provide them with linux binaries, or they are using linux engine built by someone else?


From the screenshot isn't he using WINE?



Here's a better screenshot of what happens when I run the game. And yes, I'm using WINE.
I've tested around 15 AGS games today and this is the only one that's given me an error of any kind.



Cat, you need to download the Linux package and place it inside Adventure Game Studio installation folder, to generate a proper Linux build.

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: VampireWombat on Mon 03/06/2019 21:26:02
Here's a better screenshot of what happens when I run the game. And yes, I'm using WINE.
I've tested around 15 AGS games today and this is the only one that's given me an error of any kind.


This looks like an engine bug. I don't know much about WINE but I thought it should give same errors as simply running Windows build would do?
Program pointer "4300" is at sprite initialization.

I will try the game too...

PS By the way, we have an automatic building of Linux engine that attaches binaries to every new beta release on github.
Here's one from


Quote from: eri0o on Mon 03/06/2019 21:27:24
Cat, you need to download the Linux package and place it inside Adventure Game Studio installation folder, to generate a proper Linux build.

Ah, good to know. Just copy it there and the "Build for Linux" option will show up? I'll try it in the evening.

Edit: I downloaded the latest beta3 ( and the linux pack. I copied the whole linux pack in the editor folder. What shall I do now?


The contents should be inside a directory named Linux, and that directory under AGS installation directory.

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