Mittens 2018 confirmed - Boston 15-22 September

Started by AGA, Thu 04/01/2018 22:28:46

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Just purchased my return flight from Boston. The flight that made the most sense logistically on the arrival side leaves Logan at 05:30 (Ouch!!) If there are any night owls in the group that can drop me off in the wee hours (25-30 minutes from door to door), I am willing to negotiate a compensation package!


I'm sure it'll work out, Disco.

I just read up on where we're staying, and did you all know that the town (renamed to Lovecraft, MA) is the basis for the the setting of popular comic book Locke & Key?

Maybe we should try to fit some cave exploring into our program... 8-0 (And if you haven't read it, I recommend the comic. It's solid Vertigo-style fantasy/horror with a completed, self-contained story.)

Also, if anybody's interested in fielding an adventure game jam team (without spending the whole week working on it), let's talk!


So I bet I'm the first to be leaving for Mittens, tomorrow morning!

Why now, a week before the start of the event? Well, since the place I'm living now is inconvenient for the airport, I'll be stopping over at my parents' for a couple of days before catching a flight to Boston, joining Disco and Priv. Puddin' for our pre-Mittens New England road trip. But it does mean I have to get all my packing done and anything else that needs doing out of the way before I leave.

See you on the other side!

Privateer Puddin'

I'm in New York since Friday :)

Even my hotel is getting in the mood with bluecup..

See you in Boston!


OK, you win!  :)

But then again I feel like you're always on the move. See you in Boston! (I just realized that I'll be landing 00:25 my time, so the drive that evening should be interesting...)


My plane leaves in a few minutes, so I'll see you all in Boston later today!


We're picking up our car in a little while and then driving up! Should be there this evening.


Enjoy Mittens, everyone. Keep us updated with piccies ands gossip. X


Mittens is over! Here is one of our group shots:


Steam: LimpingFish
PSN: LFishRoller
XB: TheActualLimpingFish
Spotify: LimpingFish


Good Mittens!

I'm finally boarding my plane out of Boston. Next time I'm not gonna book something at 9.30 in the evening... Hope you made it back OK, Disco.


Was very good, indeed! Been in major zombie mode most of the day, so will update later with my recap and photos.

Quote from: Snarky on Sun 23/09/2018 02:05:57
Next time I'm not gonna book something at 9.30 in the evening... Hope you made it back OK, Disco.

...and I will likewise never fly at 05:30 ever again :P I meant to post an update earlier. Thanks for saving my ass this morning!! I really owe you one. The person at the gate said I made it about two minutes before closing (cut it extremely close for my connecting flight as well). Sorry for the inconvenience, hope your sleep was not too disrupted as a result.

Privateer Puddin'

I am in Florida for my post Mittens holiday! I'll stick photos in a proper gallery at some point, but for now:


Just got back as well to a decidedly more chilly Oslo. Will post gallery within the next few days.

It was a fun Mittens, and it was good both meeting the old faces again and the new inductees.


Looks like you had a great time :)
And it seems you played an escape the room game? How appropriate!


Looks like fun! I'll get to one of these yet. ;-D


I'll share the accounts with you guys soon (soon...), I've just been too jetlagged to enter the last few little things yet. If you have any outstanding receipts or expenses (some people paid for Ubers/Lyfts, for example), please send them to me. I assume for the Tides bill we'll just split it evenly among the people who were there?

Quote from: Disco on Sun 23/09/2018 02:42:27...and I will likewise never fly at 05:30 ever again :P I meant to post an update earlier. Thanks for saving my ass this morning!! I really owe you one. The person at the gate said I made it about two minutes before closing (cut it extremely close for my connecting flight as well). Sorry for the inconvenience, hope your sleep was not too disrupted as a result.

Glad you made it! I was pretty sure you were going to have to catch a later flight. No worries, those 50 minutes of lost sleep did not prove debilitating.


Which one of you S.O.B.s used my Steam code for Lamplight City?! I will reclaim my honour via hand-to-hand combat next Mittens. You have roughly 360 days to prepare yourself.


Edit: Apparent "zero" and "O" confusion!


A group photo from this event is the only one we don't have on the Wiki page.  Does anyone happen to have this?


We took a photo at Trapology (the escape room), which I think was the group photo from that Mittens. I received an email with the image on 20. September, but I've deleted my email attachments to save Google cloud space, and something went wrong when I tried to download and save them all locally, so the file is empty. So I hope someone else also got the email and has it still!

Though perhaps there was another group photo taken as well? One of @Privateer Puddin' s drone shots, perhaps?

(Edit: Should have checked the page, I see you already got it. Though I still wouldn't mind a copy of the escape room photo if someone else has it.)

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