LANCELOT'S HANGOVER : Kickstarter ends tomorrow!

Started by declerfayt, Tue 27/05/2014 22:08:33

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Just managed to dig out my steam account password and voted :)

Come on guys and gals, this beauty of a game needs some steamy love from you! (nod)

Also, carry on with your quest, noble sir declerfayt!


New free beta!

Hi everyone :) It's been a long time!

Just a quick post to announce Lancelot's new free beta! Thanks to all your suggestions, advice and feedback, the game had changed a lot! No more prologue, you go straight into action! More gameplay! More puzzles! But still the very same humour and political incorrectness :)

Watch the new 50-sec trailer:

If you're curious, the download (120 Mb) stands here:

Of course, all your suggestions, advice and feedback (good or bad) are again warmly welcomed and, as you can notice, I do use them a lot to improve the game's experience!

All the best! :)

Jean-Baptiste (Belgium)
Lancelot's Hangover : A whole life to find the Holy Grail. One alcohol night to lose it.

Play free beta // Video trailer // Website



Lancelot's Hangover : A whole life to find the Holy Grail. One alcohol night to lose it.

Play free beta // Video trailer // Website


Surprised Mr clerfayt hasn't been back to pimp his kickstarter, just a few days left for this AGS game :) I backed it the other day so wondered if it had been mentioned on AGS (obviously not, since this time last year...!) but hopefully this will help him get a few other backers!


This game looks simply marvelous, and I loved the style and humor in the trailers! (laugh)

Now I cant decide weather to try the beta or wait for the full game on steam, but I sure want to play this game! ;-D

Darth Mandarb

Ummmm.... mods, are you working on this game with him or did you just break a cardinal rule here?

Seeing as how declerfayt hasn't been active in a month I'm going to lock this now!

declerfayt - if you log back in and want to post an update let me know and I'll re-open this!


No, he's a friend and a big supporter of my work so I'm doing the same for him. For once, just once, to heck with your rule I'm afraid. I've moved it to my forum.

44 hours to go... roughly 1.5k euro to go! spread the word :)

Blondbraid - but did you back it? ;)

Darth Mandarb

I would have unlocked it...

Good luck with the kickstarter.

Congrats on reaching the kickstarter goal!

Now post an official update so we can move this back to GiP (nod)


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