AGS Website Redesign

Started by Hobbes, Sat 29/05/2021 04:30:08

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Quote"While we really do appreciate the effort, it's hard to see how these would fit in the given context?  Or would you be combining the characters with a computer or something to contextualise it more to the whole 'using a website' thing?  I think your sketches are perhaps a bit abstract currently..."

I thought maybe it will be good if the images for errors are all related, but maybe you just need one image for all errors. I also thought the cup will make them relevant to AGS website, without a computer or anything else. I wanted to do it as minimalistic as possible considering there will be a text on the page with each image to explain or at least mention the error. Actually in my mind they were add ons to texts, but if there are no separate texts I can write the errors on a computer screen or something and fit them in if needed. My plan was turning them into PNG and coloring them with shades of blue plus white/black, if there are both light/dark modes to have harmony with current AGS website colors - in case you are going to stick to blue colors (maybe it's a good idea to see the new website first!). I just got excited and
did the sketches. Thanks for your reply.

Edit: The new website looks very good.
Edit#2: On a second thought - after seeing the new website - maybe I could omit the figures and just keep the cups!


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It will be something like this. But if already someone's work is approved, I suggest to ask the same person to make the images for other errors too, or just use one image for all errors, otherwise in my opinion it might look a bit odd. :)


@AGA @tampie85 I just noticed that on mobile, under the "latest from our forums" section, all the linked forum posts are 10 months old. Is this a bug or just something not fully implemented yet?
They/them. Here are some of my games:


Yes, that's expected. The new website is currently on a test database that's 10 months old. When we go live with it, we'll apply everything on the current database.

You can do whatever you like on the new-site url, without having to worry to change anything on the current website.

So please, if you have time, have a try on adding & updating games. It doesn't matter if you haven't got a real game, just use test data (any URL for a download for example).

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