AGS Website Redesign

Started by Hobbes, Sat 29/05/2021 04:30:08

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Thanks for all the work you've been putting into this AGA. I was wondering if it would be possible to have a link for sent posts (or even an 'outbox' button) in the dialogue box that comes up when you click on the messages icon on the top bar.
Current votes: 10  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Quote from: Stupot on Tue 04/10/2022 23:13:57Thanks for all the work you've been putting into this AGA. I was wondering if it would be possible to have a link for sent posts (or even an 'outbox' button) in the dialogue box that comes up when you click on the messages icon on the top bar.



Current votes: 10  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Quote from: AGA on Tue 04/10/2022 23:58:20
Quote from: Stupot on Tue 04/10/2022 23:13:57Thanks for all the work you've been putting into this AGA. I was wondering if it would be possible to have a link for sent posts (or even an 'outbox' button) in the dialogue box that comes up when you click on the messages icon on the top bar.

Actually, I've just realised it directs to the inbox not the sent items. But I think if you change /?sa=sent to /?f=sent , that might do the trick.
Current votes: 10  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Quote from: Gilbert on Tue 04/10/2022 09:26:52Is it possible to retrieve the topic ID of a thread?

I've added a "#" button to the top left of every thread, with a link to the un-prettified URL.

Quote from: Stupot on Wed 05/10/2022 13:08:55Actually, I've just realised it directs to the inbox not the sent items. But I think if you change /?sa=sent to /?f=sent , that might do the trick.

Fixed, thanks!


Quote from: AGA on Wed 05/10/2022 21:19:34I've added a "#" button to the top left of every thread, with a link to the un-prettified URL.


Quote from: AGA on Wed 28/09/2022 23:48:38
Quote from: AGA on Tue 27/09/2022 23:48:57I can at least do some database magic to update all the YouTube tags to only use the IDs.

This is done.  Seems to have worked fine.

I'm seeing YouTube links in old posts reduced to just the bare ID string, e.g.:


Quote from: Snarky on Tue 11/10/2022 07:36:24
Quote from: AGA on Wed 28/09/2022 23:48:38
Quote from: AGA on Tue 27/09/2022 23:48:57I can at least do some database magic to update all the YouTube tags to only use the IDs.

This is done.  Seems to have worked fine.

I'm seeing YouTube links in old posts reduced to just the bare ID string, e.g.:

Looks like I messed up one or more of the scripts.  I've got a backup from the night of the upgrade, I'll patch them over when I get the chance.


Quote from: AGA on Tue 11/10/2022 16:42:55Looks like I messed up one or more of the scripts.  I've got a backup from the night of the upgrade, I'll patch them over when I get the chance.

Turns out I replaced all the YouTube URLs with just the IDs, rather than just the YouTube BBCoded ones.  I've restored from the backup, and will reapply the intended fix... eventually...


Quote from: AGA on Tue 11/10/2022 19:50:00
Quote from: AGA on Tue 11/10/2022 16:42:55Looks like I messed up one or more of the scripts.  I've got a backup from the night of the upgrade, I'll patch them over when I get the chance.

Turns out I replaced all the YouTube URLs with just the IDs, rather than just the YouTube BBCoded ones.  I've restored from the backup, and will reapply the intended fix... eventually...

Fingers crossed, all YouTube URLs should be restored, and [youtube] tags fixed.



The previous restore was against the string "youtube".  Which excluded ""...  I've done the restore again, and reapplied the tagging fix.  I have also liberally applied super glue to my fingers, so they can't be uncrossed again!


For the syntax highlighting, I've added matches for a keyword and some functions that were missing: whatever is being hosted by the web server probably needs to be updated to the latest version.

For the manual pages, given that the state of Prism isn't clear and to avoid the need to apply the highlighting dynamically, I created syntax highlighting specifications for KatePart (KDE). If it were possible to render the highlighting on the web server using these and you wanted to use them, they are currently available in the ags-manual repository:
Possibly they might end up in some kind of generic editor support repository at some point in the future, that probably depends on what happens with the built-in AGS editor and what happens with how the manual is built.


It's not as simple as that...  Unless you want to also write an SMF plugin to support syntax highlighting via KatePart it won't integrate with the forums.  PrismJS at least works(ish) for the time being.


It's been some time since the last discussion/update about the AGS Website redesign. AGA and I have been working on the project, and it's starting to look really nice!

We ran into a question and your help would be greatly appreciated. We've received a list of supported resolutions:

Code: ags

We would like to know if these are the only resolutions available, or is there also an option to set custom resolutions?

@Crimson Wizard , could you possibly shed some light on this?

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: tampie85 on Fri 19/01/2024 23:23:11We would like to know if these are the only resolutions available, or is there also an option to set custom resolutions?

@Crimson Wizard , could you possibly shed some light on this?

AGS has a custom resolution setting. The Editor only provides a list of common ones for a quick pick, but user may set virtually anything, including "vertical" layout where height is bigger than the width.


Amazing, thank you for the quick reply!

Crimson Wizard

I don't remember if this question was asked before.

Are there any plans to update Game DB and add more optional fields for the game info?
There have been a number of requests in the past, namely to have info which operating systems and which languages are supported.
Besides that, in my opinion, it would be beneficial to have custom tags for the game, to let gather lists of games of certain style or content.


I don't know whether AGA remembered, or whether it has been asked before, but the version we're currently working on will support multiple downloads. Per download you can specify voice and/or text languages and one or more operating systems.

These new fields will also be searchable in a more intuitive search engine.

Tagging is currently not included, but I'll put it on the list with requests we've received so far for future consideration. The plan is to work towards a first version and keep iterating after going live.

So please let us know when there's any other requests and I'll add them to the list :)


There has been discussion about this in another thread:

Would it be possible (large new topic, not for the first version of the new page, probably) to make a separate database for modules/templates/plugins?
It should be with a search for various fields like type, supported AGS version, last updated etc.

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