Heroine's Quest The Herald of Ragnarok (Steam) crashes with the new engine

Started by cOdy_The_HUN, Wed 01/01/2025 23:57:56

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The game can be save in the Svartalfheim caves BUT the save is going to be corrupted and the auto save crashes it too at Nidavellir.

Here is the error:
Illegal exception
An exception 0xC0000005 occurred in ACWIN.EXE at EIP = 0x00435ABD; program pointer is -1893, engine version, gtags (0,57)

AGS cannot continue, this exception was fatal. Please note down the numbers above, remember what you were doing at the time and contact the game author for support or post these details on the AGS Technical Forum.

Most versions of Windows allow you to press Ctrl+C now to copy this entire message to the clipboard for easy reporting.

An error file CrashInfo.dmp has been created. You may be asked to upload this file when reporting this problem on the AGS Forums. (code 0)

Link for the CrashInfo.dmp:

Crimson Wizard

@cOdy_The_HUN have you tried contacting the game authors on Steam game's page first? They are the first responsible for their game, and may have better understanding of how to test this case.

I'll poke @Radiant for this, in case he's around.

Unfortunately, I've never played this game through, so names like Svartalfheim and Nidavellir tell nothing to me...
Do you have a save made anywhere prior to the crash, which could be used to get close and reproduce this crash?


This is not the STEAM problem.
Here is a link to the save game prior to the save crash event.
I mean after this the save games will be corrupted (unloadable) and the next auto save will crash the whole game on my system.

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: cOdy_The_HUN on Thu 02/01/2025 11:56:43This is not the STEAM problem.

I know that's not the Steam problem, but this game has its authors, and I suggested you to let them know about this problem.
I am saying this, because this forum is dedicated to the engine, not the particular game.
Even if we fix the engine (or if this bug is already fixed in the newer versions, which is theoretically possible, as is not the most recent version of this engine), the game won't be fixed unless its authors update the game.

Quote from: cOdy_The_HUN on Thu 02/01/2025 11:56:43Here is a link to the save game prior to the save crash event.
I mean after this the save games will be corrupted (unloadable) and the next auto save will crash the whole game on my system.

Alright, I will try this out.

Crimson Wizard

I was not able to make the game crash. I tried saving again after loading this save, or walk around the game a bit, but did not experience any crashes. Maybe there is a specific condition for this, which i could not get... Could you clarify which steps do I have to make to experience this?

On another hand, from the looks of it, the game is already corrupted when you load this save. You may notice the GUI texts are missing or shifted around if you open various menus. And also text messages are displayed in a wrong way. One known case which may cause this is if the save was made in a too old version of the game with different number of contents. In which case the engine cannot handle this automatically.

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