2015-07-02 02:05:12 2034: A.C. (After Canada) II [Bake Sale 2] | Adventure Game Studio
Release Date 2 July 2015
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory Occasional, mild | Suggestive dialog | Occasional, mild
Operating System Windows
Setting Sci-Fi
Genre Comedy
Story Original
Play Length Medium Length Game
Language English
Graphics 320x200, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 1,269 All Time


This followup game to the AGS Award nominated MAGS game tells the further adventures of Paige Rowsdower, unflaggingly optimistic member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police as she and her fellow Mounties work hard to maintain law and order in a world that has collapsed even further into chaos and anarchy. Of course, since this game is set in Canada, the apocalypse is very well-mannered and polite.
This game was part of the successful AGS BAKE SALE II, which raised money to keep the AGS server running for another couple of years. Thanks to everyone who purchased a bundle to support our cause. For everyone who didn't, here's your chance to experience the next best thing to an actual trip to Canada but without all the polar bears and eyeball freezing cold! And nobody wants their eyeballs to freeze, so go ahead and download this game, buddy!

Ponch Lead Knob
2034 A.C. (After Canada) (MAGS) Lead Knob
9 Months In Testing, Bake Sale Master
Alien Cow Rampage: Orion Needs Your Milk! Stunt Cow
Ancient Aliens - The Roots of Sound Additional Game Design and Testing
Barn Runner 1: The Armageddon Eclair
Barn Runner 2: Wreck The Halls
Barn Runner 3: Don't Jerk The Trigger of Love
Barn Runner 4: The Prick Who Came In From the Cold
Barn Runner 5: The Forever Friday 1
Barn Runner 5: The Forever Friday 2
Barn Runner 5: The Forever Friday 3 Head cheese
Barn Runner 5: The Forever Friday 5 Big Cheese
Barn Runner Halloween: Fully Automatic Mojo The Big Cheese
Barn Runner: Pucker Factor Big Cheese
Barn Runner: The Mayor's New Dress Big Cheese
Barn Runner: The Rich Dame Who Cut The Cheese (Bake Sale) Big Cheese
Bière Américaine (MAGS) Lead Knob
Blue Lobe Inc. voice acting & beta testing
Bolt Action Executive Vice President of Beta Testing
Chance Of The Dead Testing
Crankosaurus Prime and the Blue Crystal Pursuit V1.8: The Fangs of Fortune Head Sheep Wrangler
Darkness and Denim (MAGS) Big Cheese
Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator sound seeking
Escape the Barn Testing, chief baker
Flophouse Hijinks (Deluxe Edition) Brought the Party to the Wagon Team
Fridge Follies concept, dialogs, scripting
Headbanger's Heaven - A Rock & Roll Adventure Game Tester
Hubris - a Popular Pub Pastime Testing
Night and Day (RON) Testing
Oceanspirit Dennis Gets Textual The good sprites
OceanSpirit Dennis: A Ray of Hope A victim of assets theft
Oceanspirit Dennis: Pirates on the Poopdeck!
Oceanspirit Dennis: The Full Name Of This Game Won't Fit In The Subject Line!!1 Art, Sounds, Voice (LPR)
Oceanspirit Dennis: The Naked & The Ninja Grand Gaming Poobah
Oceanspirit Dennis: The Terror of the Ice Princess Playtesting and general loafing about
OSD Archipelago Adventures 1 Project Lead
OSD Moby GearWhaleDX Game Creator
OSD: The Wet Spot Design and Line Casting
Outrage Dreamer Roads 4-3 [MAGS] Big Cheese
RAM Ghost Object Donation
SLEUTH Voice acting
Tales From A Forgotten Tavern (MAGS)
THAT DAMN DOG! Motivator
Zombie Attack (BAKE SALE) Testing, Bake Sale Organizer

Akumayo Journal Module
A Night in Berry - long version Particle Engine module
AGS Chess! Everything
Brothers & Wreckers (demo) Lightning module
Coin Rush 2
Labyrinth Everything but Beta-Testing
Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! Particle Engine Module
Only The Good Die Young journal module
Rufus story the Journal-maker module
The Tower Game Creator

Anian Menu Screen Art
All Pigs Deserve to Burn in Hell Play Testing
Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator object design
Foggy dawn clouds and sea
Snakes of Avalon font and logo advice

Baron Playtesting & Authentic Canadian
2034 A.C. (After Canada) (MAGS) Lead Playtesting Hoser
AGS Awards Ceremony 2010 Custom Avatar
AL-QUEST 1 plot, scripting & graphics
BESIEGED: Or How to Get Out of A Castle.... Without Being Catapulted plot, animation, writing, scripting
Blue Lobe Inc. writing, programming, animation, voice
Charlie Foxtrot & The Galaxy of Tomorrow plot, scripting, graphics, animation
Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator project director, animation, programming, writing
Fridge Follies concept, character design, animation, voice acting
Oceanspirit Danish Graphics
OSD Archipelago Adventures 1 Victim of Avatar Theft
OSD Moby GearWhaleDX Voice Acting
Righteous City - Part I Beta Testing, English Translation
SLEUTH Voice acting
Snakes of Avalon design, story, sprites, animation
Submerged - LaSol (MAGS) Voice
The Paramecium Complex scripting, animation, "plot"
The Winter Rose plot, scripting & graphics
Wages of Darkness concept, writing and programming

ThreeOhFour Music
! Graphics, Scripting, "Story"
[Into the series] Carrot Adventures PMQ Art style tutorial
[Into the series] Portable Knights: PMQ Style
^_^ Game Design
<3 Game Design
~airwave~ - I Fought the Law, and the Law One Game design
A Walk in the Park Beta-Tester
Aeronuts proof-reading
AGS Awards Ceremony 2008 Cursors and trophies
Anna's Quest Vol. 1: Winfriede's Tower Tester
Annie Android: Automated Affection Graphics, Story, Scripting
Awakener Graphics, Scripting, Story
Big Blue World Domination [MAGS] Testing
Blackwell Deception Sprite animation
Blackwell Epiphany Art (backgrounds & character sprites)
City (Demo) Graphics, Story, Scripting
Corner's Shiny (2013 edition) Awesome spritework
Dinner for Pigeons Testing
Eternally Us Graphics, Animation, Gameplay Design
Featherweight Graphics, Scripting, Story
Heed Graphics, Story, Scripting
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Remake Art Contributions
Hope Art
IWWHIIWWHITOMIROTPG: The Game! Artistry, puzzle design, testing
Man Boy vs Doctor Sock Graphics, scripting, story
Night of the Testicle Guest artwork
Oceanspirit Dennis 2
OceanSpirit Dennis: A Ray of Hope A victim of assets theft
Oceanspirit Dennis: Scourge of the Underworld test game & templet
OceanSpirit Dennis: Scourge of the underworld HD
Oceanspirit Dennis: The Full Name Of This Game Won't Fit In The Subject Line!!1 Art, Voice (Krusty)
OSD Archipelago Adventures 1 Australian Translations
OSD Moby GearWhaleDX Voice Acting
RAM Ghost Object Donation
Shardlight Backgrounds, Animation
Shifter's Box - Outside In Scripting, Graphics, Story, Design
Shoot, I Got Abducted! Graphics, Animation, Design, Programming
Spaceman in Space Creator
Technobabylon Graphics
The Art of Dying Betatester
The Charnel House Trilogy Graphics
The coming of age - a Lorna Bains whodunit Additional Coding
The Journey Down: Over the Edge Testing
The Rebirth/The Reaper The Reaper
The Search for Oceanspirit Dennis Art for Dennis
This City at Night Story, artwork
This City at Night - DEMO Story, graphics
Towel Day - H2G2 Based Game Some Testing
Trance-Pacific Story, artwork and character animations
Unavowed Art

Doc_Savage French Translations

Frodo Playtesting
Anna's Quest Vol. 1: Winfriede's Tower Tester
Arden's Vale Beta testing
Barn Runner 5: The Forever Friday 5 Lead Playtester
Barn Runner Halloween: Fully Automatic Mojo Playtesting
Barn Runner: Pucker Factor Playtesting
Barn Runner: The Rich Dame Who Cut The Cheese (Bake Sale) Playtesting
Blue Lobe Inc. voice acting & beta testing
Conspiracy: Below-Zero Testing
Deadly Consequences! Voices of Rebecca and Queen Victoria, beta tester
DuzzQuest2 QA Testing
Finger of suspicion Voice of Morag the cook
Flophouse Hijinks (Deluxe Edition) Playtesting
Fridge Follies betatesting, Scottish translation
Headbanger's Heaven - A Rock & Roll Adventure Everything (Creator, story, script, characters, dialgoue, graphics, etc) except music
JACK Voice acting
Maelstrom Obscura: Case 1 Scottish female voices
Oceanspirit Dennis: The Naked & The Ninja Scottish Translations
OSD Archipelago Adventures 1 Scottish Translations, Playtesting
OSD Moby GearWhaleDX Voice Acting
Outrage Dreamer Roads 4-3 [MAGS] Play Testing
SLEUTH Voice acting

Ghost Icons & Playtesting
[Into the series] Shogin Crystal Legends B2 SFX
10 Ways From Sunday BASS Template
2034 A.C. (After Canada) (MAGS) Playtesting & Icons Hosehead
4 of Clubs beta testing
A-Mused [MAGS January 2014] Lightweight BASS Template
AGS Awards Ceremony 2008 Auditorium graphics, cutscenes
Alien Cow Rampage: Orion Needs Your Milk! concept, design, graphics, scripting
Annie Android: Automated Affection Testing, Scripting help
Big Blue World Domination [MAGS] Additional art
Bustin' the Bastille BASS template
Chance Of The Dead Everything
ColourWise Strips & Sprites
Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator animation, object design, GUI design, background art
Hubris - a Popular Pub Pastime Scripting, Graphics
Indiana Rodent: Raiders of the Lost Cheese Sprite art
Medieval Prisoner beta testing
Oceanspirit Denise: Heroics In The Nick Of Time! fully responsible
Once Upon A Crime Everything
OSD Moby GearWhaleDX Voice Acting
Postman's Quest: Not Rain Nor Sleet Nor ARMAGEDDON Lightweight BASS 2.0 template
RAM Ghost Design, Scripting, Graphics
Red Hot Overdrive Cow Donation
Shifter's Box - Outside In Testing
Sinking [OROW] testing
Tales help on early version of the game
Tales - Tech Demo German Version Proofreading
The Bum German proofreading
The Visitor Testing
The Visitor 2 Scripting help
Towel Day - H2G2 Based Game Some Testing
Zombie Attack (BAKE SALE) Testing, Bake Sale Splash Screen

HandsFree Music
AGS Awards Ceremony 2018 Music (fanfare)
AGS Awards Ceremony 2020 Music (fanfare)
Barn Runner: The Rich Dame Who Cut The Cheese (Bake Sale) Playtesting
Black Sect Remake remake design, scripting and music
Gateway Remake remake design, scripting and additional music
Jacqueline White; Bad Trouble in the Red Desert music & coding
Night and Day (RON) Story, scripting and music
Oceanspirit Danish Music
Ponderabilia Composer ("Ponderabilia" theme, "Basement" theme)
Reality-On-The-Norm/Alternate Reality: Note to Self Beta-testing
Sheep Quest Music, testing
Summer Woes - MAGS August 2013 Winner Music
The Wicked Witch of the West Music, Coding, Concept

Intense Degree Music
Colin Simpson Leaves Employment Pretty much everything
Flophouse Hijinks (Deluxe Edition) Music and Playtesting
Lost In The Woods Music -- Lost in the Woods Suite
Pride & Relatives Pretty much everything
Rain & Snow - The Bouncer
The Penthouse Pretty much everything
The Samaritan Paradox Testing

kconan Supplemental Animations & Playtesting

SSH Simple Snow Module
10 Ways From Sunday Credits module
9 Months In Credits Module
A Day with Michael Yes/no, Credits, Save/Restore Module
A Night in Berry - long version Description, zoom and credits modules
Agent Trinity - Episode 0 - The Ultimatum Description module
AGS Awards Ceremony 2008 Compilation
Alba the Explorer: Princess Marian part V pretty much everything
All Pigs Deserve to Burn in Hell Description and Credits module
Awakening of the Sphinx DEMO Everything
Bolt Action Description, Credits, and Pixel Perfect Collision Module Supplier
Brothers & Wreckers (demo) Credits module
Buccaneer Scripting help
Bustin' the Bastille Description, Credits and Pixel Perfect Collisions modules
C.U.T.E. The Marvellous Adventures of Princess Marian part VII The whole bally lot
Christmas Quest 3: Santa's Little Help Desk Additional support
Craft Of Evil Credits Module
Dakota Credit Module
Darkness and Denim (MAGS) LEC Template
Diamonds in the Rough Additional scripting
Fallen Angel Credits Module.
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Remake Hypertext/GUI Portrait/QBSpeech
Lost & Found Description module
Lost in the Nightmare: 'Save Our Souls' Credits module
Lost In The Woods Save Game and Yes/No Modules
Magic Owl Simple snow module
Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! Beta Testing / Musical Continuity
OceanSpirit Dennis: A Ray of Hope Credits Module
Operation Save Blue Cup Credits Module.
Pixel Hunt Writer, Scripting, Voice acting
PMX: The Magic Hat Writing, graphics
Princess Marian and the Fountain of Unicorns most of the work
Princess Marian IX: The Phantom of the Ballet Everything
Princess Marian VIII: Snowfight almost everything
Princess Marian XI: Light re-leaf Programming
Princess Marian's Pigeon Pinger Everything
Roast Mother Goose Yes/No, SaveGame, Quit Modules
Robolution Starwars scroller Module
Rock, Rock, Rock Design, Programming, Modules
Scared Stiff Save/Load & Quit Modules
Secret of Hutton: Special Edition MultiResponse Module
Snakes on a Plane the muthalovin lot
SSH's Walkcycle Generator Everything
STRANDED Save/Load, Yes/No Modules
Suspicious mind Description module
Tempus Fugit Credits, Save/Load, and Yes/No Modules
THAT DAMN DOG! Credits Module
The Adventures of Princess Marian
The Adventures of Princess Marian II: Mother's Day
The Cat Lady SmoothScrollInv module
The Dark Cave: Adventure of Princess Marian IV everything
The Energizer Walkcycle generator
The Seven Doors Save Game and Yes/No Modules

strazer OtherRoom Module
Bustin' the Bastille Keyboard Movement module
Only The Good Die Young keyboard movement
Saturday School Special Thanks
Tempus Fugit General knowledge
The Secret Plan 1- Running to stand still Character Control Module.
The Secret Plan 1- Running to stand still Keyboard Movement Module.
The Seven Doors Animate Inventory Module

SupSuper Save/Load Module

tzachs Technical Support
9 Months In Story, Design, Coding, Animations, VA
Back Door Man Tween Module
Background Blitz Collection Screensaver Randomizer help
Barn Runner: The Rich Dame Who Cut The Cheese (Bake Sale) Viewport Wrangling
Blue Lobe Inc. tween module
Escape the Barn Testing
Oceanspirit Dennis 2
OceanSpirit Dennis 2 beta Fanfare
Oceanspirit Dennis 3D [MAGS] fanfare theme
OceanSpirit Dennis: A Ray of Hope The shameful game maker
OceanSpirit Dennis: Scourge of the underworld HD
Oceanspirit Dennis: The Full Name Of This Game Won't Fit In The Subject Line!!1 Sounds
Patchwork Tween module
RAM Ghost Object Donation
Robolution Story, scripting, graphics, some music
Sphonx Tech Demo Tween Module
Summer Woes - MAGS August 2013 Winner Tween Module
THAT DAMN DOG! Design, Story, Programming
The Energizer Everything.
The Quest For The Holy Salsa Story, Scripting, Animations, etc.
The Secret Plan 1- Running to stand still Story, scripting, music, graphics.
Zombie Attack (BAKE SALE) Bake Sale Soundbyte

MiteWiseacreLives! So-called playtester and possible saboteur. Smells slightly of maple syrup and was last seen in the snowy wastes of Canada. If seen, do not approach and contact the nearest RCMP official. ;)

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Showing 3 of 3 comments

By Andy on 23 October 2015

Ponch, the maker of this game, is in a class of his own. Every game he makes is full of witty banter where it is even fun to ask about the weather.

In this game I just love how Rowsdower bobs up and down when she is excited.

This game provides a lot of desk space, but not too much puzzles, a game that I found thoroughly entertaining regardless.

By donkeymilk on 19 August 2015


By donkeymilk on 5 July 2015

Play the first one ,enjoy it ,then play this one :)


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