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Something Novel

by Seb Greaves

Screenshot 1 of Something Novel

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File size: 5 MB
Downloaded: 1,802 times
Graphics: 320x200, 16-bit color
Operating System(s):


Game Genre:
Game Type:
Story Type:
Release Date:
8 Aug 2011
AGS Panel Rating:
Player Rating:
Rated 73% by the community (5 votes)Rated 73% by the community (5 votes)Rated 73% by the community (5 votes)Rated 73% by the community (5 votes)Rated 73% by the community (5 votes)
Medium Length Game
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
Demo Unfinished Games / Commercial Games
Training Game Games made just to try out AGS
<Category Not Set> Not yet categorised
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Content Advisory:
Bad LanguageOccasional, mild


Public Opinion

If you've played this game, why not help out and give us your votes?
5 people have rated this game so far:
Puzzles & Pacing:
Overall Enjoyment:

About this game

J. Stanson is a multi award winning horror novelist, known around the globe for his prowess in weaving tales of misery and woe. But one fateful evening his role is transformed from narrator of the terrifying, to subject of it, as he and his fellow authors are thrust into a nightmare situation of their very own. Can you survive the night to tell the tale, or will this be the end of Stanson's story?
See the people who made this game and any other games they've worked on >>
Story, Scripting and art
Sebastian Poole

AGS Panel Review

"An interesting story, competently told, outshines some drab graphics and technical rough edges."

6 people commented on this game (newest first):

I thought this was a good game, and I thought the ending was interesting.
2012-05-27 23:29:01 by mdm2968 (mmenees)
The needed atmosphere for the story is created nicely.
Playing it has been entertaining me well.
2011-10-08 11:10:41 by Tabata
Hi. Just finished this (took around 2 hours) and thought I'd leave my feedback:
The sound and music in this game is very very good-subtle, slightly understated and very atmospheric. The audio environment is spot on! The puzzles are fairly straightforward (with one possible exception), and didn't really get in the way of the story...
I found it wierd that, at a certain point, you discover that the main character actually seems to have a pretty good idea of what is going on (though he isn't telling...)
The plot is very simple and effective, even if not very believable. The reactions of the characters are usually unplausible. Although you begin the game by running away from the killer, somewhere along the way this seems to have been reversed for no good reason, as the main character goes to great efforts for breaking into a room where the killer is supposed to be locked in...
The dialog is serviceable, but clunky at times. The graphics are relatively poor, but work (i can see you improving a lot here, as they have a distinct quality to them)
The game is better than the sum of its parts: the setting, although a bit cliche, is quite sufficiently intriguing. The game is reasonably atmospheric, mostly because of a great aural environment.
Anyone with a fancy for horror mysteries could do a lot worse than giving this one a go. It's nowhere near the same league as something like "5 days a Stranger", but it's a reasonable effort
2011-09-29 21:39:02 by Jorge (tibor)
Good, nice, sometimes a bit naive. If you're a fan of the horror genre play this immediately. The ending especially is indeed novel and satisfying.
2011-09-19 06:46:45 by bicilotti
Good pacing, nicely creepy atmosphere, and a good set of characters to carry the plot. The graphics do their job, too- they are functional but don't hurt the eye, and I rather liked the simple style. Be warned, though- this game has at least one "timed sequence" that might surprise you: Save often, save early!
2011-08-09 08:46:01 by Ghost
The good:
I admit that I scare easily, but I thought the horror elements were well-done. The game creator didn't rely on startling the player or using nothing but blood and gore. It was genuinely unsettling.
The graphics aren't spectacular, but there is a distinctive art style at work, which will certainly evolve with practice into beautiful sprites and backgrounds.

The bad:
The characters and story weren't really fleshed out, especially the characters. They felt too much like tools of the game.
A lot of the secret passageways and things in the mansion felt a bit contrived.

Overall, I enjoyed this game. I recommend giving it a go.
2011-08-09 04:00:53 by Saara (VerityDemortem)
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