Tardigrades ©

Started by AnasAbdin, Thu 08/05/2014 17:29:56

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Quote from: luisdementia on Mon 04/04/2016 18:34:38
Any tentative release date? I'm dying to play this.

Sorry, can't give a word on a release date yet. Hopefully soon though :-[

Careful what you wish arj0n :P


Here's a screenshot from an upcoming teaser video:
(If anyone is interested in voice acting in it, please let me know)


Looking forward to seeing it!


Thanks luisdementia :)

[May 9th 2016]

Teaser! :-D Thanks to CaptainD's voice acting!



Haha you're so impatient, I did say I was happy to do another take! :P

Trailer looks good. It's like having a total eclipse of the heart... 8-)


Looking great. I was looking forward to hearing more news from this. I think it is my most anticipated adventure game so far.


Your teaser have me intrigued!
How did he get superpowers? How does it connect with the ancient Egyptian imagery?
And what's up with the titular tardigrades? :)


Dave: you've done a lot for me ;-D thanks for your time!

luisdementia: thanks for your kind words and support. I hope you enjoy the game once it's ready.

Blondebraid: the answer to the first question is simple :P find the answer to the other two when the game is released! (laugh)


You've all done very well (nod)

Hats off too what could be a game of the year.


Thanks slasher :)

I've been postponing this since forever. I neglected the monitors and touch screen GUIs in terms of graphics. I haven't changed the functionality though, only tried to improve the layout. Hope they look better now.

Gifs transit from before to after...


While I can't see the text in the small GIFs, the colored bars look real good and the GUIs fit well into the game world.
It will be interesting to see how they will be used in the game! :)


Thanks Blondbraid ;-D

Sorry I scaled down the gifs for viewing purposes :-[
Here's the colored bars GUI being used without scaling:



[June 3rd 2016]

I can't believe I finally managed to replace a background that drove me nuts for months!

The main oxygen gardens of the section that Carter works at Marsi-3 was one of the parts where I was always trying to skip while testing puzzles. I never liked the background from the beginning of the project's development. I had to make a workaround by tinting the room mimicking that the camera is now positioned outside a window in the ship. It was a little convincing at the time.

This video shows the cancelled background with camera positioning effect done by tinting:

I was postponing the change because the room has a lot of functions, regions, doors, and a GUI for botany related tasks that allow you to grow different plants... The room alone is about 2KLOC but there are extra global functions that adds 500LOC to the sum. A lot had to be changed, coordinates, positions, walkable areas, regions, doors sprites... So I spent the last 3 days working on that. I really hope the new background is considered an improvement.

This is the new background:


As nice as the old background was I can see why you changed it, the symbols on the wall in combination with the hanging plants made me think of
an Indiana Jones temple rather than a spaceship. The new one looks more detailed.



Thanks Blondbraid & luisdementia ;-D

Quote from: Blondbraid on Fri 03/06/2016 19:22:11
the symbols on the wall in combination with the hanging plants made me think of an Indiana Jones temple rather than a spaceship

I couldn't agree more!
Here's the making of the room:


Even if it was a pain to change it, I think it was worth it. (nod)
Love to see those gifs too. :-D
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Anas this game just looks more and more amazing every time you do an update!  Splendid work. 


Thanks Cassie :) really glad you like it.
I wanted to make time lapse videos but I don't have a good video capture program (you can tell from the in-game quality of my teasers). So I went with creating gifs  :-[

CaptainD: Thanks man for all your support  ;-D

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