Tardigrades ©

Started by AnasAbdin, Thu 08/05/2014 17:29:56

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Sweet! :)
You caught my son's attention! (nod) Specially the red on the doorway. (laugh)
looking forward to the see it finished... only 12 hours? I can't even make a decent small sprite in that amount of time, much less a complete BG! 8-0
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


This looks awesome pal ! love the art. Can't wait to see more. Keep it up.


Sweet, man!  I like the interesting ribbon-like window frames on the rear wall.


Thanks Cassie and glad your son is showing interest! This really made my day ;-D

Thanks Rocchinator and SilverSpook, the final version is almost ready. I am going to add it to AGS and post an in-game shot ;)


Here's the complete background from the last post:

Cassiebsg: I hope your son still finds it interesting 8-)


Great job, and cool process-gif.  The lighting and crazy windowframes make the scene pop IMHO.  :)  Pre-ordering now!


Thanks SilverSpook ;-D glad you like it.


I hope Jim Walls won't sue me (laugh)

Marsi-3 Guards Locker Room (incomplete):



Hehehe... nice homage there.  (nod)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Boy oh boy, you continue to impress. I want to walk through every door and push every button.


Cassiebsg: I was playing PQ last week and got the idea instantly ;)



Nick and Anas should team up someday and make a Tardigrades/Visitor crossover -- OR an entirely new title!


Quote from: Fitz on Thu 31/12/2015 17:39:02
Nick and Anas should team up someday and make a Tardigrades/Visitor crossover -- OR an entirely new title!

I'd be honoured ;-D maybe we could add a lot of magenta to it (laugh)
I actually replayed The Visitor 3 a few days ago. Can't get enough of it.


Lol....I mentioned to Anas a while back, that I wish the Visitor series looked as good as the stuff he was making. I would love to see Commander Moss remade and in all those space scenes. I'm really looking forward to this space adventure, it looks amazing.

Sadly, my two year old is on the loose, and if I turn the computer on, he must have his turn of bashing the keyboard until I shut it off. Anything I do lately has to be done after 9pm. AGS is on hold for a little longer. :~(


The graphics style of The Visitor is a little different than Tardigrades. I really like it and maybe one day I'll create a game using a similar style ;-D

you can always keep your pencils sharp by creating little short games ;)

Added details to the guard's locker room:


Looks great and the stickers and posters really sets the mood in the room, tough I am surprised to see not a single scratch or scribble on the toilet stalls. :)


Lol you're right. I am still working on it. Believe it or not, I have to come up with the messages and text before adding the graphics 8-) there is also a dude using one of the stalls and water leakage... etc

if you have funny space themed scribbles for the stalls I'm all ears (laugh)


Added more details (pigeonholes, clothes rack..) and a massive amount of scribbles!
People in long space travel become philosophers and write down a lot stuff :P


Nice work man!  Lots of love going into this game and you can see it :)


Thanks SilverSpook ;-D

[January 18th 2016]

This is the first update in 2016... so I thought what the hell.. make a new avatar as well :P

Since the last update, I've created a massive amount of backgrounds. And by massive I mean 7 :-[ all full with their details, objects, animations etc..
This is the complete version of the guards main control room:

As you may have noticed, I added a giant light source on the top center, it is also a projector for holograms and what's not. It is switched off for the sake of teasing (laugh)

This is another background that I changed during testing, it's a glass ceiling tunnel that connects two parts of the starship Marsi-3. The camera is positioned inside the tunnel. So I tinted the outside surroundings into blue to get this effect.



Now I have to animate a couple of long 2D-cutscenes then work on a new location. Speaking of locations, they are not accessed in a linear manner. Just as the puzzles have alternative solves, the order of visiting the locations depends on the player choice and events triggered. This gives an opportunity to collect new items that can help solve puzzles. For instance, you can visit Marsi's prison before going to planet Mars, solve the puzzles then go to Mars. Or you can visit Mars then the prison, of which you can use items collected on Mars.. and vice versa.

In sound and music terms, me bad. Didn't do any composing or recording. The graphics are taking 80% of my AGSing time, while coding is taking 5459475948575% of my life time (laugh)

I hope you guys and gals save your voices for an upcoming teaser video ;-D

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