Oceanspirit Dennis complete universe

Started by Icey, Fri 11/02/2011 23:08:15

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Please don't rip text from mobygames.

Also: There's a specific forum for Reality on the Norm games.


Oh, I thought that ROTN was a 1 game it self of many different story's.

Also, Who is mobygames?

Can you move it over there?


It seems like you may have missed the following:

OSD: The lost world[FULL] (come on, this is your game!)
Oceanspirit Dennis: The Naked & The Ninja (Ponch!)
Blades of Passion: An Oceanspirit Dennis Adventure (ddq!)


Oh yeah!

But if you look in list you will see OSD:1(TLW)

TLW = The lost world


Oh, I thought it stood for TavernLord Wanderings  :=


Kind of a crazy coincidence, I was actually just talking with Scavenger today about how I'd really like to play the OceanSpirit Dennis games but I didn't know which one to start with.
He told me Scourge was a good one but I think this thread will be very helpful to me.


A definitive time line would be impossible for OSD, I think. The games don't exactly have a story bible. And what's more, breaking continuity is encouraged (and almost required). But this is the OSDverse as I understand it:

1) Ben304 gets very drunk and makes Scourge of the Underworld. This is the beginning of something awesome and terrible in the AGS community. No one can go back to their normal, everyday lives after this moment.

2) DDQ, not to be outdone, breaks out his crayons and doodles over Ben's game, making the DX version. It is at this point that Life Partner Ray is introduced and announces that he's off to play Snakes of Avalon.

3) Ben returns with Mighty Pirate, in which Dennis tries to get Ray's attention by starring in an adventure game of his own, in the apparent hopes that Ray will play the game the player is playing and remember how important Dennis is to him (which is an idea so meta that it makes my head hurt. -- Further proof that Ben was drinking heavily again).

3 1/2) Ray goes off to play Snakes of Avalon while Dennis goes off to do something else. Ray is attacked by the blobs and is later seduced by Square Penis. Ray is now evil.

4) Dennis returns from his ocean adventures to find that Knottybeard the Pirate has taken over Dennis' island in Pirates on the Poopdeck. Ray is mentioned in this game but not seen. (He may have been away working for Square Penis).

5) Dennis takes a trip to the mainland and agrees to undertake a mission for the mayor by defusing a bologna bombwich as seen in Blades of Passion.

6) Shortly after, as seen in The Naked & The Ninja, the Mayor travels to Dennis' island to ask Ray (who is either no longer evil or really, really good at hiding it) to rescue Dennis, who is being held by ninjas in the employ of Hansel*.

7) At some point after that, Dennis and Ray break up and Dennis gets a new Japanese boyfriend. Together they explore a dungeon and defeat the Internet in OSD Gets Textual.

8 ) Millions, possibly billions, of years later, Dennis is rescued by Heavenwhiskers Fred from his magical slumber to begin his RPG adventure. The world has been destroyed and the weak are preyed upon by small dogs and giant demons.

I have no idea where the other games fit in this terribly loose continuity. But I can tell you that my next game, Archipelago Adventures!, takes places after The Naked and The Ninja (and possibly OSD Gets Textual). Dennis finally goes on the adventures he had scheduled back during opening scene of Blades of Passion. Also, Dennis and Ray will be a couple again.

Anyhoo, this just goes to show how wonderfully convoluted the OSD universe is. I think any effort to shoehorn it into a rigid continuity will eventually have the same side effect it had on RON. It will be so hard for any newcomer to know where and when to place their game in the time line that they may not even try.

Plus, as we've seen with Ray, you can do whatever you want with characters in this game and no one has to respect the changes you've made. In RON, it would be terribly rude to kill off someone else's character, so lots of people are running around town protected by script immunity. In OSD, you could have Knottybeard feed Hansel into a woodchipper in one game, and have him return in the next game with no mention of it. That's the beauty of the OSDverse.

Your mileage may vary, of course. But I say you should feel free to whatever you like with OSD. I know I will. Plus, I'm hoping Ben will get really drunk again and make another one. Or maybe Tzachs will fire up the microphone and give us another "Dear Ray..." vocal performance. :D

- Ponch


That sorta the story I had in my head. But my games are prequels that come before the first OSD. I wish there was a story for the first game that way I can make a OSD3.  :-\

I was going to say maybe ben can make a story to the first game but I dont know if it is possible at this point.


Quote from: Studio3 on Sat 12/02/2011 02:42:08
I was going to say maybe been can make a story to the first game but I dont know if it is possible at this point.

I had to read that sentence twice. ;)

You can make whatever story you like to set the stage for Scourge of the Underworld, Icey. There wasn't a lot of story to that game, as I recall. Dennis fights an evil purple blob in a vaguely Asian setting. The blob is defeated and Dennis is now king (or at least he thinks he is). (Also, Ray is just off screen, waiting outside their strange purple house, waiting for the battle to finish so he can play Snakes of Avalon). And that's it. That's the entire story. (And that's if you don't decide that Square Penis was also waiting just off screen, watching his evil plot unfold -- assuming he was behind the blob's attack on Dennis as well).

How much more of a setup do you need? As long as your game ends with Dennis in a vaguely Asian land, living in a small purple house with Ray, ready to do battle with a blob on the other side of a canyon, it should fit in just fine.

OR... You could just tell your own story however you like. There is no "set in stone" story for OSD. Tell whatever story you like. The OSD fans (and they are legion, no doubt), will accept it or not. That's how things are for Dennis and all those he loves (whether they're secretly evil or not) -- his world changes a little or a lot every time someone adds to it.

That's my opinion, anyway.


Humm...Yeah, I think I will make a story for it.  :)

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

You are totally missing Starfukked from this all-encompassing and, dare I say, vitally important, universe.


I woulnd't mind getting in on some OSD action...

o O ( If only there was a .zip with all the current OSD games in it... )
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"But with a ninja on your face, you live longer!"


This thread has all the early OSD games.

Ray of Hope is here.

An lastly, OSD Gets Textual can be found here.

That should be all of them, I think. That should bring you guys up to speed.  :)



Quote from: Ponch on Sat 12/02/2011 02:59:23
You can make whatever story you like to set the stage for Scourge of the Underworld, Icey. There wasn't a lot of story to that game, as I recall. Dennis fights an evil purple blob in a vaguely Asian setting. The blob is defeated and Dennis is now king (or at least he thinks he is). (Also, Ray is just off screen, waiting outside their strange purple house, waiting for the battle to finish so he can play Snakes of Avalon). And that's it. That's the entire story. (And that's if you don't decide that Square Penis was also waiting just off screen, watching his evil plot unfold -- assuming he was behind the blob's attack on Dennis as well).

You forgot about the "Deviant Art Style" curse that was set upon Ray by the first evil blob.
That could definitely be a part of the story.


Oh yeah! No one has drawn a sprite of normal Ray yet.

Someone should make a contest.


Ahem, normal Ray very much has a sprite, supplied fantastically by Ponch, that is, his pimp form which appeared in Naked and the Ninja. And I'm not sure if you actually get the point of OSD, but it's not in my power to stop you or anyone from doing whatever he/she/it wants with it. If someone is going to be king and president of OSD and keep track of all his various escapades, it'd be a shame if it were anyone but Ponch himself. 


Quote from: ddq on Sun 13/02/2011 18:14:52
If someone is going to be king and president of OSD and keep track of all his various escapades, it'd be a shame if it were anyone but Ponch himself.  

I'm flattered by the nomination. But I'm not sure Dennis would benefit from any one man's hand at the rudder of his ship (there's a dirty joke in there somewhere).  :=

That being said, I have been hard at work on a little something. You can read more about it here.

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